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Thursday, May 16, 2024

12th Grade Curriculum


I have always supplemented our curriculum, dropping off books I don't like and adding ones I do, but I have always had a history spine to follow.  In Kindergarten through 8th is was My Father's World.  In High School we chose Sonlight.  Twelfth grade will be our first year going fully eclectic.  

After many of our readings/videos below I will have my boys reflect, either in written or in oral form, answering these questions:

How has the material affected me? 

  • What have I learned? 
  • How does the material catch the reader’s attention? 
  • Are there unsolved questions or critical issues? 
  • How will the material affect my future thinking? 





Government and Politics

We will not being u sin a homeschool history spine this year because the twins will be taking a Dual Enrollment Government class. Yet even with this class,  I am adding several books to supplement the discussions.  I plan to assign reading throughout the week and meet on Fridays to discuss and reflect (see questions at beginning of post for reflections).



  • Dual Enrollment Physics 


  • Dual Enrollment Trigonometry 


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