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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Learning Cursive in Narnia: The Series


Learning Cursive in Narnia: The Series

It took all summer, but I'm finally done! All the Narnia Handwriting Workbooks are DONE!

I am so thankful that were are also homeschool parents who appreciate these beautiful books the way I do, and want out children to love them as well! I knew I couldn't be the only one! 

All available to buy now, print and cursive. The print version of all of these workbooks are also available, I just haven't gotten them photographed yet. 

Learning Cursive with The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Learning Cursive with Prince Caspian

Learning Cursive with The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Learning Cursive with The Silver Chair

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

High School Agenda and Meeting




A weekly agenda and an end of the week meeting are the backbones of our homeschool during high school. High school has been a lot of independent study, but they still need a manager, grader, and discussion group leader. Most of their reading and work is done without me, but we have a meeting on Friday to discuss what they have learned, answer any questions, discuss time management, and talk about the following week. They use the Reflection questions at the bottom of the agenda to prepare what they will discuss with me about what they have learned.

I write their agenda of what needs to be done by Friday, with suggestions of when it could be done, but ultimately, they are in charge of their own time management. Sometimes, they do all their health in one day, and sometimes, they spread it out. Every week is different because it is trial and error. What I love is that independent learning gives them the opportunity to learn what works best for them, so when they get to college or into a job, they understand their own work rhythms. 

The end of the week meeting is essential in our house because of their time management needs. My job at our weekly meeting is to process their work rhythms with them, identifying what worked and what didn't work. Practically, it also gives me time to make sure they are actually doing the work assigned. We look at the next week's agenda and ask if they are prepared and looking ahead. I also use this meeting to work on narrating to me what they have learned. You have got to love Charlotte Mason principles working in high school! The weekly meeting is honestly my favorite times of the whole week. If we miss it, everyone suffers. 

There is no one right way to organize high school. This just works for us. What works for you?

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Learning Cursive with The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe


Learning Cursive in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Follow Lucy inside the wardrobe while practicing your cursive! I am so excited to announce that I am creating cursive and print resources for every book in the Chronicles of Narnia series! 

Learning Cursive in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is a curriculum designed to give meaningful cursive handwriting practice through copywork of words and quotes from the first book in the Chronicles of Narnia, C.S Lewis' The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

Skills are scaffolded upon each other, as the the child progresses from letters, to words, to quote copywork.

Workbook Includes:

Cursive Alphabet Reference Chart (D'nealian Script)

Part One-Letter Practice 

Part Two- Words Practice 

Part Three- Quote Copywork 

For younger students, check our my PRINT handwriting workbook, 

Writing in the Wardrobe

Narnia Print Workbook

Thursday, May 16, 2024

10th Grade Curriculum



  • Bible Study Fellowship The Gospel of John
  • Sonlight 200 Bible with 100 American History  I rented this from a friend for a fraction of the cost.  For more budget saving homeschool tips, see here.


  • Sonlight 230 Classic Literature- We LOVED the books picked for this year and the discussion questions were great, but I wasn't a big fan of the writing assignments.  They didn't give a lot of direct instruction and not specific grading rubrics. I rented this from a friend for a fraction of the cost.  For more budget saving homeschool tips, see here.
  • Multicultural Living Book Basket


  • Sonlight 100 American History  We switched our history spine from MFW to Sonlight for 10th grade We really enjoyed the older version, with the spine of History of US by Joy Hakim. I will not recommend the new edition of Sonlight 120 with the new History Spine, America. The Last Best Hope. The title alone , America: The Last Best Hope, gives me the pause, but after reading the reviews, the table of contents, his introduction, and excerpts from this book I am so thankful my boys were able to use this curriculum the Hakim History Spine. I rented this from a friend for a fraction of the cost.  For more budget saving homeschool tips, see here.
  • Current events 





12th Grade Curriculum


Twelfth grade will be our first year going fully eclectic.  

I have always supplemented our curriculum, dropping off books I don't like and adding ones I do, but I have always had a history spine to follow.  In Kindergarten through 8th is was My Father's World.  In High School we chose Sonlight.  

After many of our readings/videos below I will have my boys reflect, either in written or in oral form, answering these questions:


  • How has the material affected me? 
  • What have I learned? 
  • How does the material catch the reader’s attention? 
  • Are there unsolved questions or critical issues? 
  • How will the material affect my future thinking? 





Government and Politics  



  • Dual Enrollment Physics 


  • Dual Enrollment Trigonometry 


11th Grade Curriculum



  • Dual Enrollment English 101 Written Communication
  • Dual Enrollment Fundamentals of Public Speaking
  • 7 Sisters Writing- We loved these no busy work writing assignments.  I added them whenever my boys were not taking a Dual Enrollment English class
  • Sonlight 20th Century Literature- We just read the books this year and skipped the writing assignments due to workload from Dual Enrollment English Courses .  I also didn't feel like the writing assignments in 10th were that great.  They didn't give a lot of direct instruction and not specific grading rubrics. I rented this from a friend for a fraction of the cost.  For more budget saving homeschool tips, see here.
  • Multicultural Living Book Basket




