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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Community Helpers: Garbage Collectors

Preschool Homeschool-
Garbage Collector Unit Study
We walked around our neighborhood counting/graphing dumpster & trashcans.
We have several small family restaurants near us so finding dumpsters wasn't too hard.

We made a list of the helpers we wanted to learn about when we first discussed community helpers at the beginning of the year. Garbage Collectors were far and away more exciting to the boys than me. I even planned on skipping them, when the boys both drew garbage trucks on my birthday card...and then asked for trash trucks for Christmas. Through this study I was able to see again how much more children really learn when the subject is based on their true interests.
Circle Time Discussions-
  • What would happen if we didn’t have garbage collectors in our city?
Alphabet Activities- T for trash
  • Make Tout of items you find yin your yard (sticks, leaves, rocks)
  • Trace T in dirt
  • Dot Markers on letter T
Science Lessons:
  • Recycling
  • Sanitation/cleanliness-germs in trash can make us sick
  • rotten- observe old fruit
Field Trips:
  • Our own back yard on Trash pick up day.  The boys love watching the big truck come
  • Recycling Center in our town- We saw many old TV's, computers, and tree branches recycled at the recycling center
  • Walk around neighborhood counting dumpsters and trash cans

  • recycled art- make caterpillars from old egg cartons
  • Color, cut, label and glue truck, trashcans, and dumpsters to community helpers map.
  • Print Garbage truck coloring page.  Have children cut scarps of paper, then glue onto top of truck.
  • Patterning- with cut out dumpsters and trashcans
  • Take a walk around neighborhood and graph dumpsters and trashcans
  • Use pattern blocks to build a trash truck

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